7 of 7 Prayers to the Holy Spirit

My interpretation of this prayer is that our goal here on earth is to become so one with the Holy Spirit that he shields our sins like a force field so we may enter heaven even as flawed as we are.

I didn’t understand what was meant by defaced and deformed by sin until I asked that I may “appear beautiful and perfect in the eyes of God.”

Powerful stuff.

Excerpt from “Prayers to the Holy Spirit” Audio Book

I Am Defaced and Deformed By Sin

O ever-blessed Holy Ghost, who on the holy day of Pentecost did with your seven gifts so arm and enrich the hearts of the apostles, that they appeared before God and the angels in the highest beauty and decoration.
I beseech Thee, that by your seven gifts, as with seven precious stones, you will so adorn my soul, now defaced and deformed by sin, that it may appear before the eyes of God quite beautiful and perfect. 

7 of 7 Prayers to the Holy Spirit

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