Mary Week 6: The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
Here is an image of Our Lady of Fatima

Entrusting Ourselves to Our Lady of Fatima, a Plea for Peace and Conversion

The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 remain one of the most profound Marian interventions in history. Appearing to three shepherd children in Portugal, Mary brought a message of prayer, penance, and peace, urging the faithful to turn away from sin and embrace God’s mercy.

At Fatima, she called on the world to pray the Rosary daily and to entrust themselves to her Immaculate Heart. Her message was clear: through prayer and conversion, we could bring peace to our troubled world and secure our salvation.

In a time of uncertainty and turmoil, The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima serves as a reminder that Mary is always near, interceding for us and leading us to her Son. When we place our trust in her, we invite her to guide our lives toward holiness and peace.

The exact origin of The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima is unclear, but it is a traditional prayer inspired by the Marian apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. The prayer reflects the messages given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to the three shepherd children—Lucia dos Santos, Francisco Marto, and Jacinta Marto.

While there is no single author definitively credited with writing this specific version of the prayer, it likely evolved over time through devotional traditions, Catholic liturgy, and the promotion of the Fatima message by the Church. Various Fatima-related prayers have been written and promoted by popes, Marian organizations, and Catholic theologians to encourage devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I like to believe that it is a “crowd sourced” prayer that has evolved over time.

The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

O Most Holy Virgin Mary,

Queen of the Holy Rosary,

who deigned to appear at Fatima

and bring to the world a message of peace and salvation,

I humbly prostrate myself before you,

imploring your loving and maternal intercession.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary,

we entrust ourselves to your care.

Guide us along the path of conversion and repentance,

so that we may live according to the will of God.

Help us to pray fervently,

especially the Rosary,

as you so earnestly requested.

O Lady of the Rosary,

obtain for us the grace

to love and serve your Son with devotion.

May we always seek refuge in your motherly embrace,

and, through your intercession,

may we obtain peace in our hearts,

peace in our families,

and peace in the world.

O Mary, conceived without sin,

pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Reflection: Heeding the Message of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima did not come to deliver an impossible request—she came to call us back to God. She offered the world a solution to sin and suffering: prayer, sacrifice, and trust in divine mercy.

When we turn to Mary through this prayer, we align ourselves with her plea to pray the Rosary daily, make acts of reparation, and seek God’s peace. We are reminded that conversion begins in the heart, and that through Mary’s intercession, we can help bring light into the darkness of the world.

Scripture for Meditation

“Do whatever He tells you.” (John 2:5) – Mary’s words at the Wedding at Cana, reminding us to follow Jesus.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you.” (John 14:27)

These verses reinforce Mary’s role in guiding us to trust in Jesus and seek true peace—not through worldly means, but through faith and prayer.

Personal Reflection: Answering Mary’s Call

• Have you ever prayed the Rosary as Our Lady of Fatima requested? If not, what holds you back?

• How can you incorporate Mary’s message of peace and conversion into your daily life?

• In what ways can you entrust your worries and burdens to the Immaculate Heart of Mary?

Write a short reflection in your Prayer or BASE Journal, considering how The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima can bring a deeper sense of peace and purpose to your life. 

Note: See the end of this book for an explanation on what the BASE Journal is.

A Complementary Prayer: A Prayer for Mary’s Protection

Blessed Mother,

You appeared at Fatima to call us back to prayer.

Help me to respond to your message with an open heart.

Cover me with your mantle of love,

and lead me closer to your Son, Jesus Christ.

May I always seek peace in my soul,

and may I be a light to those who need your comfort.

May I use the gifts your son has given me for the betterment of my family and my church.


Closing Thought for Week 6

Mary’s message at Fatima remains as urgent today as it was in 1917. Let us renew our devotion to her Immaculate Heart and commit to daily prayer, trusting that through her intercession, the world can find peace, and our hearts can find rest in Christ.

Mary Week 6: The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

One thought on “Mary Week 6: The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

  1. Our Lady of Fatima fascinates me, in that it is only one of a few times that Mary has asked us to pray to her. It was so kind of her to teach us how to help ourselves, its now up to us

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