Moms Favorite Prayer
Mustard Seed to Large Tree
Sister Geraldine Hedinger

The following is one of my mom’s favorite prayers. “The Ma” as she is known to her six children and “Nana” to her 22 grand and 19 great-grandchildren. 

It was written by the late Sister Geraldine Hedinger, pictured here, of the Monastery of Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand Indiana.

When my mom showed me this prayer I got pretty excited, because it hit a couple of hot buttons for me, especially the idea that with prayer even small ideas can become the next big thing. Through prayer anything is possible. 

Thank you, Sister Geraldine.

Excerpt from the Audio Book “Prayers to the Holy Spirit” Available on Audible

Propelled by the Holy Spirit

Be Propelled by the Spirit of God within you. 

Become a hospitable and welcoming person to all. 

Develop like a mustard seed, start small and be patient because God can grow large trees from small seeds.

Be Leaven. Be Salt. Be light. 

Make a difference.


Moms Favorite Prayer

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