Year: 2025

Mary Week 8: The Totus Tuus Prayer

Throughout history, saints and popes alike have turned to Mary as their greatest intercessor and guide to Jesus. Among them, Pope Saint John Paul II had one of the most profound Marian devotions, shaping his entire life and papacy. His personal motto, Totus Tuus, meaning “Totally Yours”, was inspired by St. Louis de Montfort’s teachings […]

Mary Week 7: The Sub Tuum Praesidium

Seeking Refuge Under Mary’s Protection with a Prayer of Protection and Trust The Sub Tuum Praesidium is the oldest known prayer to the Virgin Mary, dating back to the 3rd century. This ancient invocation was discovered in a Coptic manuscript from Egypt, making it one of the earliest recorded examples of Christian devotion to Mary. […]

Mary Week 6: The Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

Entrusting Ourselves to Our Lady of Fatima, a Plea for Peace and Conversion The apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917 remain one of the most profound Marian interventions in history. Appearing to three shepherd children in Portugal, Mary brought a message of prayer, penance, and peace, urging the faithful to turn away from […]

Mary Week 4: Reviving the Angelus Tradition

The Angelus: A Prayer of Pause and Reflection Growing up in Ireland, there was only one TV station and one radio station—RTÉ (Radio Telefís Éireann). Because Ireland was a Catholic country, these stations paused broadcasting at noon and 6 PM to play The Angelus. The moment began with the ringing of bells, followed by solemn […]

Mary Week 3: Salve Regina

Seeking kindness in the heart of Mother Mary The Hail, Holy Queen (Salve Regina) is one of the most beloved Marian prayers, traditionally recited at the end of the Rosary. Its origins trace back to the 11th century and are attributed to Blessed Herman of Reichenau, a Benedictine monk. The prayer expresses deep devotion to […]

Mary Week 2: The Memorare

A Prayer of Trust and Protection The Memorare is one of the most beloved prayers dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The word Memorare is Latin for “Remember,” derived from the opening line of the prayer: “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary…” Attributed to St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153), a French abbot, theologian, and Doctor […]

Mary Week 1: Embracing Childlike Faith

A Mother’s Love: The Foundation of Faith One of my earliest memories dances at the edge of my consciousness, shimmering like sunlight through stained glass. I was barely three or four, clutching a balloon’s string in my tiny fist, my world full of wonder and possibility. My family had taken us to Butlins, a 1960s […]

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