week 8

Mary Week 8: The Totus Tuus Prayer

Throughout history, saints and popes alike have turned to Mary as their greatest intercessor and guide to Jesus. Among them, Pope Saint John Paul II had one of the most profound Marian devotions, shaping his entire life and papacy. His personal motto, Totus Tuus, meaning “Totally Yours”, was inspired by St. Louis de Montfort’s teachings […]

Fill the Hearts Which Thou Hast Made

This is one of the most inspiring prayers to the Holy Spirit in this book. “Veni Creator Spiritus”  is a fantastic hymn written in the 9th century by Rabanus Maurus a Frankish Benedictine monk. Who later became the archbishop of Mainz (now in Germany). Usually sung in Gregorian chant, go here bit.ly/vcshymn to listen to […]

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