A Mother’s Love: The Foundation of Faith
One of my earliest memories dances at the edge of my consciousness, shimmering like sunlight through stained glass. I was barely three or four, clutching a balloon’s string in my tiny fist, my world full of wonder and possibility.
My family had taken us to Butlins, a 1960s Irish holiday camp and park. It had a restaurant with a glass-bottom pool above it—quite the entertainment for a child, watching nervous swimmers trying to keep their swimsuits properly adjusted while diners pretended not to notice!
I remember running down the hallway after dinner, my footsteps echoing with childhood joy, watching in pure delight as my balloon bobbed and weaved against the popcorn ceiling like a playful cloud caught indoors. Then, inevitably, came that startling pop—that universal moment of childhood heartbreak when a treasured balloon meets its fate.
But I didn’t shed a tear. Even at that tender age, my faith in my mother ran deeper than any momentary loss. I knew, with the pure and unwavering certainty that lives in a child’s heart. I believed beyond a shadow of a doubt that she would make everything right—that another balloon would magically appear. Her love was my certainty, my comfort, my truth.
It wasn’t until years later that I understood the profound simplicity of that childlike faith. That complete trust in my mother’s ability to make things right became the foundation for understanding my faith in God’s endless grace. Both loves share the same beautiful quality—they require no proof, no explanation, no questioning. They simply are, as natural as breathing, as certain as death.
As we age, life’s complexities can cloud the crystal-clear faith we once held so naturally. But in turning to Mother Mary, we find a gentle guide who helps us rediscover that pure, childlike trust. Like a mother taking her child’s hand, she leads us back to that place of simple, profound faith—where belief needs no explanation and love knows no bounds.
The Prayer: Mother Mary I Come To You As A Child
Dear and Blessed Mother Mary,
I come to you as a child,
My heart open, seeking the comfort that only you,
The most holy of mothers, can provide.
Welcome me into your loving embrace,
Guide my searching heart toward your Son Jesus,
Let me feel the warmth of your combined love
Wash over me like a guiding hand.
As you once cradled Jesus in your arms,
Hold me now in your precious prayers,
That I might rest in the joy of your presence
And find shelter in the peace of your protection.
Reflection: A Childlike Trust in Mary
Just as a child instinctively reaches for their mother in times of need, we too can turn to Mother Mary as our spiritual mother. She gently reminds us that faith is not meant to be complicated. It is a gift that flows naturally when we allow ourselves to trust—when we believe with the simplicity and certainty of a child.
In a world filled with uncertainty and doubt, Mary extends her hand to guide us back to unwavering faith. She does not ask for proof, nor does she require explanations. She simply loves and intercedes, drawing us closer to the heart of Jesus.
Scripture for Meditation
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”(Matthew 18:3)
“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her.” (Luke 1:45)
Just as Mary believed in God’s promises without hesitation, she teaches us to do the same—to trust that we are held in divine love, even when life feels uncertain.
Personal Reflection: Rediscovering Childlike Faith
• Think of a moment in childhood when you had complete trust in someone. How does that compare to your faith now?
• Have you ever struggled with doubt or hesitation in trusting God’s plan?
• How can embracing Mary’s motherly guidance help you regain a sense of unwavering faith?
Write a short reflection in your BASE Journal, exploring your thoughts on rediscovering childlike trust in God through Mary’s intercession.
A Complementary Prayer: A Prayer for Trust and Simplicity
Blessed Mother,
Help me to trust as a child trusts.
Help me to believe without hesitation.
When the burdens of life cloud my faith,
Take my hand and lead me back to your Son.
Let my heart be open,
Let my soul be at peace,
And let my faith be as natural as breathing.
Closing Thought for Week 1
Faith should not be complicated. It should be as simple and certain as a child’s trust in their mother. This week, reflect on your own faith journey. Can you embrace that pure, unwavering belief once more? Let Mary lead you back to the simplicity of trusting God without question.